My Mercedes-Benz GL450

One day, I was driving around in New Jersey, minding my own business, trying to buy a used Toyota Hylander. I entered into a car dealership that, of course, posted some very deceiving prices online. When I went to take a look at my desired SUV, it did not drive as well as I would have expected, and it had some concerning rust and corrosion throughout the undercarriage. Even worse, the salesman tried to add 4.5k on top of the already inflated price. After trying to haggle me and suggest I apply for a loan, among many other suggestions, I told him I’d get back to them. I high-tailed out of there to continue my quest for a reliable 3-row vehicle. While driving on one of the main roads, I stumbled upon a dealership with some cars I wouldn’t normally consider. I started perusing the premium luxury SUVs for kicks and giggles and realized something. I could get something like a used Mercedes-Benz GL450 (same year) for far less than a Toyota Hylander. Considering I already own a tank-like Lexus GX 460 and a Lexus RX 350, I figured I’d give it a try. Though my GX 460 is a newer SUV, it doesn’t come close to the features the GL450 has. I know Mercedes isn’t known for its reliability, but I could not resist.
Two months after purchase, I love it. The power delivery is excellent, the handling is smooth, and all the impressive features. I know I will have to baby this thing, or I’ll have to sell a kidney to maintain it. I would always recommend people bring a mechanic or have a pre-purchase inspection done before buying any used car, do not trust anyone, especially a dealer.
I hope to continue to have fun with this vehicle, and I hope that people take reasonable risks when It comes to enjoying themselves and their guilty pleasures.